画像 Aaa道路救援 188143-Aaa道路救援
美國生活 Triple A a 18 “AAA”(念法为Triple A)是日本艾回音乐以A字招牌3倍推荐的五男二女7人组合。团名“AAA”为“Attack All Around”(全方位出击)之缩写,团员在歌唱、舞蹈、演技、特技、芭蕾、模特全方位出击。团队于05年9月出道。The AAA meet regularly and it is an open forum for discussion between the 3 areas, North, Midlands and South about every aspect of the athletics scene with contributions from representatives of Cross Country, Road Running and from independent representatives within the sport The AAA also support the ‘Standards’ by awarding badges and certificates to youngsters who’ve achieved Aaa道路救援